Spaces with Suitable Temperature
Vision Art Platform is pleased to host ÇaÄŸrı Saray's solo exhibition titled “Spaces in appropriate heat”. Dec October 29 - December 10, 2020, the exhibition will be held at the Instigikiye venue of the Vision Art Platform.
The exhibition, titled “Spaces in appropriate heat”, which focuses on the concept of “memory”, which is the source of ÇaÄŸrı Saray's Productions, covers the works in which the artist reveals the urban spaces in which he relates to the connection of belonging with resonant drawings and a performative narrative. The work, which is a continuation of the series “memory spaces”, which forms the main track of ÇaÄŸrı Saray's productions since 2014, deals with urban/architectural structures as the node point of social relationship networks that have specific meaning to the individual.
The “memory spaces”of ÇaÄŸrı Saray, which contain structures that contain “knowledge” of Turkey's recent history and social memory, focus on the city as a formal representation of individual and common memories, the meanings that these structures symbolically carry, and the abstract/concrete power struggles.
Mausoleum of the Turkish parliament and the Turkish history institution, Dolmabahçe Palace, Istanbul University, Istanbul painting and Sculpture Museum, AKM, Haydarpasa train station, Sirkeci railway station, the grand post office, sansaryan, the Selimiye Barracks, towers in the last period, with the Hagia Sophia and Chora get articulated and Besiktas Kadikoy Pier House call with that memory space, collective memory is not the same thing as the history of certain structures built in history that, as a result of mutual means is formed of different perspectives in the domain of memory.
"Memory spaces “appear layer by layer with vibrating drawings that appear with overlapping lines, architectural spaces viewed from the front and from the full facade move away from the claim of being independent and realistic from a photographic or documentary source, thus the artist reveals”making" as something that transcends spatial structure. The ÇaÄŸrı Saray recreates the city as an image that provokes memory, opening it to the dialogue of remembering and forgetting, revealing a past that is visible in the present. Thus building a counter-memory, the artist points out the oppositional potentials of experiencing and transforming urban space through memory.